The error “BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method” is generated by PHP when you try to call a method on an object that does not have that method defined. This can happen for a number of reasons such as :
- The class does not have the method you are trying to call.
- The method is not public and you are trying to access it from outside the class
- A typo in the method name
- You are trying to call a static method on an instance of the class
Here is an example of how this error could occur:
class MyClass { public function someMethod() { // some code } } $obj = new MyClass(); $obj->otherMethod();
In this case the error will occur because the class MyClass does not have a method called otherMethod , so trying to call it will raise a “BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method” error.
Another example:
class MyClass { private function someMethod() { // some code } } $obj = new MyClass(); $obj->someMethod();
In this case the error will occur because the method someMethod is not public, so trying to call it from outside the class will raise a “BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method” error.
To resolve this issue, you should check that the method you are trying to call exists and is defined on the class or object you are trying to call it from, and that it is also accessible(public) if you are trying to call it from outside the class. Also check for any typo or spelling mistakes in the method name.
In addition, if you are trying to call a static method on an instance, you will also get this error. To call a static method, you need to use the class name instead of an instance and use the double colon(::) operator, like this:
It’s also worth noting that, if the method you are trying to call is part of a package or library, you will need to check if the package is installed and loaded correctly, and that the class or method you are trying to call exists in the package or library.